Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I found a wonderful article in tumbler that articulates all I find unacceptable in our usual working environments and what I am trying to accomplish in my own office building, 265 @ 36.
Olivier Brun, Associate Director of Greenworking and co-founder of eWorky, states:
" Nowadays and most of the time, corporate offices look like sort of information plants. They are cold and inhuman... The materials are smooth, cold and impersonal.It’s also hard to satisfy the sense of touch, all is plasticized, vitrified, industrialised. The skin is not likely to approach any genuine wood, cork or cotton fabric..."

I completely agree with his evaluation that a working environment should be warm and inviting in order to be conducive to creativity. According to Brun, coworking environments favor expression and creation.  Finally, I think as business owners we should all aspire to find the "Passion to create, confidence to communicate."